Get Reel VO Demos and Coaching

Get Reel About Elevating Your Voice-Over Career
with Our Elite VO Coaching & Demo Reel Production.

Our Demo Reel Productions


Get Reel VO has produced proven results which have garnered our clients top tier representation and loads of work in this highly competitive marketplace.

Below you will find a curated selection of compilation voice-over reels in every category of the voice-over industry. Our reels have helped launch the careers of both men and women. Some of which are today’s highest earners.

Learn more about the different services we offer both Veterans and Rookies. As we say, “Hearing is Believing”.

What Clients Say


Elizabeth R
Pearson Education Audiobook Narrator
I recently started recording audiobooks for Pearson Education. It’s been steady work. I booked Lancome TV spots through my manager, Ingrid French, for their new fragrance. I can’t thank you enough for the excellent training and reels you provided me!
Steve K
Yes Network, Inside Edition & Olympics NBC Sports
After 20 years in the biz, I felt like I’d reached a plateau in my voice-over/promo career, and I wanted to expand. Since working with Jordan, I booked my FIRST narration, my FIRST Hollywood movie trailer and my FIRST national spot. Jordan has a real EAR for directing veteran talent as well as beginners. If I can find the time between all of my sessions, I would like to work with him some more!
Susan M
Voice of USA TODAY
Paradigm signed me and so many of my bookings showcase my versatility: From a political ad in Alaska, to the USA TODAY spots, to the narration documentary of The Civil War Letters. No doubt it’s all been kickstarted by the amazing coaching and reels we produced together.
Arnaud S
Animation VO Artist
I recorded a commercial that won a Bronze Lion in the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity!!! I am writing to you because I got the gig (and many others) because of my character range, which they wouldn’t have known anything about if it weren’t for the amazing animation reel you produced for me. Thank you, friend. I am living the dream.
Caroline H
Voice of Estée Lauder/Goldworth Financial
I am now officially the voice of Le Mer for Estée Lauder. Just voiced a financial spot for Goldworth Financial and I am on hold for a Bank of New York campaign. So it feels like my career is going in the right direction thanks to Get Reel VO!
Larry M
CBS Radio
I am direct, discriminating and not at all bashful when voicing my opinion on the quality of audio productions, mine or anyone else’s. But when you played my new commercial and narration demos today, I was speechless, and could only manage one word — wow!

Voice-over Genres We Coach & Produce

Our Genres

Get Reel VO About


Commercial voice-over is about selling products and services on television, radio or online. Commercials can make up a large portion of most voice actor’s income. Five spots on a commercial demo reel typically include: Announcer, Testimonial, Funny, PSA, TV.

Corporate Narration

A corporate narration is an audio or video that encompasses a company’s mission statement or branding concept for public or internal use. They include training videos, tutorials and explainers.

Medical Narration

Here we have spoken narration typically used for hospitals, medical centers, healthcare specialists and university medical training centers. The use is nearly always for internal purposes. Medical narration demo reels usually feature five spots.


These recorded guides help audiences learn a vast array of content through the power of communication. They are utilized for instructional purposes only. They can be recorded to picture or delivered in basic audio form. This demo reel typically features five scripts.


A phone prompt is a spoken menu option in an interactive voice response (IVR) system. An IVR is the upfront system in many call centers that greet callers and direct them to an options menu. Five selections for this demo reel include corporate, small business, retail and medical.


Promos promote and generate excitement for a specific TV show, radio program, live event or movie. Five selections for this demo reel include comedies, dramas, crime shows, reality shows, games shows and news programs.


This genre includes any type of recorded book. Demo reels include five selections from fiction to nonfiction, romance to memoirs, crime stories to fantasy, epics to classics and much more.

Video Game

Here voice actors portray all kinds of characters that appear in video games. From protagonists to antagonists, ghouls to goblins. Actors use their skills to enhance the player’s experience and connection with the story. Demo reels showcase varied game play styles from first shooter to epic warfare, intrigue and children’s gaming.

Movie Trailer

In the realm of cinema, the movie trailer VO is an essential tool to captivate audiences and generate buzz around upcoming movie releases. They play in movie theaters before the feature presentation. Demo reels typically feature four selections from recent and upcoming movies.

TV Narration

Here we have narratives that derive from television shows. Demo reels usually include five spots from programs that range from Reality TV to hard hitting news or documentary style shows.


Character voice-over is a versatile skill set used in various mediums such as anime, cartoons, live action and video games. Here we stretch your range to include a wide array of characters and dialects that emanate from you and only you.

This demo reel is quite different in that we create the script together encompassing your best and most competitive voices. It may includes original characters and impressions of existing ones. Here the rules are meant to be broken. The coaching sessions include both discovery and creation of voices to the script writing session itself.

Elevate Your Career With Get Reel

Who We Are

About Get Reel VO

Get Reel VO provides elite voice-over coaching and demo reel production. We have a proven track record which has garnered our clients top tier representation and loads of work in this highly competitive industry.

Whether you’re at the top of your game, or just just starting out, our one-on-one remote voice-over coaching and demo reel production will elevate your career to the next level. All coaching and recording sessions take place virtually from the comfort of your home or home studio, and our professional studios in New York.

The Get Reel VO Difference

One of the reasons we have such an outstanding success rate is that we choose our clients carefully. We pride ourselves on prioritizing quality over quantity, so we vet each prospective client through our one-time mandatory assessment session. (Unless you’re already a working VO artist who’s looking to freshen up your demo reels).

During this session, we will evaluate your current skill sets and determine if you have the innate chops to compete in the world of VO. A script will be provided to you beforehand and one of our coaches will reach out to schedule the assessment session, where they can determine your marketability, copy interpretation and how well you take direction.

Our Elite VO Coaching Process

Once we take you on as a client, we will provide all the necessary copy for your coaching sessions. We hand select the material based on your voice pattern, age range and sensibilities. Nothing is ever cookie cutter. The goal in all sessions is to expand your unique marketability and versatility as a voice actor.

Rookies must participate in a minimum of 4 private coaching sessions in preparation for their demo reel recording session. If we deem that you need more work before recording your demo, we will make that recommendation. Your demo reel is your calling card. We want to make certain that it’s the best showcase of you and your talents. Let’s Get it Reel the first time!

What We Do

Our Services


Assessments are for talent new to the industry, or “Rookie” talent.

Before we take on Rookie talent, we require an assessment to determine your aptitude for voiceover, your career goals, and a plan for your coaching sessions moving forward.

We work with talent who are pursuing voiceover as a professional career, or secondary income. We don’t work with hobbysists, or those under 18 years old.

Are you a Rookie? Contact us today to book your assessment!


How do I book an assessment?

When filling out the contact form below, please indicate that you would like to schedule an assessment. We will reply with several dates and time options to schedule that one time session.

How long does the assessment last?

The assessment session lasts a half hour. This will give us ample time to discuss your goals in the industry before reading the copy we have provided.

You will read the copy more than once with varied adjustments to assess how well you take direction.

Do I need to prepare?
No. We will email you a carefully chosen piece of copy. We ask you familiarize yourself with the content, but do not over rehearse as we would like to hear you read the script with multiple variations.
Is the assessment virtual?

Yes, all of our sessions including the assessment session will be held virtually.

How much does the assessment cost?

The 30-minute assessment costs $75.

VO Coaching

We coach a small roster of remote clients, privately Monday — Friday between the hours of 2:00 PM ET and 6:00 PM ET. Most clients schedule weekly one-hour sessions. We offer sessions preferably through Face-Time, Zoom or Google Meet. Since we are also working voice-over artists, our schedules may vary from week to week.

Please note that we enforce a 48-hour cancellation policy. Before we can officially take you on as a client, we require a one-time assessment session ($75).

Payment for sessions must be made in advance.

Package rates are also available.

We have coached many of the highest paid voice-over talent in the world, as well as up and coming voice-over artists. We specialize in the creation of fully produced voice-over reels for our private clientele.

Many of our clients have signed with top voice-over agents and have landed lucrative work in commercials, cartoons, promos, video games, corporate industrials, narration and audiobooks.


What kind of people do you coach?
We coach men and women over 18. As long as you have passed the assessment stage, we will take you on as a client.
How do I book a VO coaching session?
Once we determine that you are a candidate for coaching and demo reel production, we will find suitable dates and times to schedule your coaching sessions.

Typically, we schedule one session per week. We try not to schedule sessions late at night or on the weekends. However, depending on your schedule and our sessions can vary from week to week.

How long are coaching sessions?

All coaching sessions are one hour in length.

Do I need to bring my own scripts?
No. We will provide all of the coaching material for each session in advance. Once we are ready to record your demo reel, we will pick and choose the right copy that suits your voice, sensibilities and age.
How much do coaching sessions cost?

Please contact us below, and we will get back to you with information on our individual coaching sessions, as well as package rates for coaching and demo production.

Demo Production

Do you need a professionally produced voice-over demo to elevate your voice-over career?

We are highly adept at directing any style of voice over read. They include: Commercial, Narration, Character, Promo, Tutorial, Movie Trailer, E-Learning, Audiobook, Phone Prompts (IVR), and Video Games.

If you need to record your very first voice-over demo with Get Reel VO, you will first need to participate in coaching sessions to learn the skills necessary to succeed in the industry.

Once you are ready to compete on a professional level, we will record your reels from our remote broadcast quality studio.

After we record, we select your best takes. Then our award-winning sound engineer will produce your reel(s) from our remote studios. They add sound design like music and sound effects to produce each script like it’s a real job.

We mix each track separately to give it a unique sound. We intentionally do this so that the listener assumes they are listening to a compilation of your REAL bookings rather than basic demonstrations of what you can do if you were hired. This trick of the trade has benefited our clients greatly over the years with talent agents, casting directors, creative directors and producers.

After we record, demo reel completion takes two weeks.


How many coaching sessions will I have before we record the demo?
It depends on the individual, but typically we require 4 private hours of coaching time minimum to prepare you for your demo reel recording session. Many clients schedule post demo reel coaching sessions to keep these newfound skills from diminishing.
Do veterans of the VO industry require coaching sessions?
It’s always recommended that seasoned pros keep up with their coaching. Did Michael Jordan ever stop honing his skills while competing at the highest level? With that said, it is not mandatory for veterans to coach before they record new material but it never hurts.
How much does a demo reel cost to produce?

Please contact us below, and we will get back to you with information on our demo reel production package rates, along with rates for our coaching packages.

Demo Updates

This is for the VO Pros who need a demo reel refresh. We can round out your existing reel to include individual spots that are missing from your current repertoire.

Our goal is to maximize your versatility as a well rounded voice-over actor who should never be typecast or pigeon holed.

With an abundance of work in today’s voice industry, why not be the best version of yourself you can be. Let’s Get Reel and Let’s Get Work!


Can I update 1 or 2 individual spots on an existing demo?

Yes! This type of service is offer for veteran talent who already have a professional demo reel, but they want to update it with new performance styles to keep their demo reel fresh and current.

How does a demo update work?

We will record and produce any track that is required to flush out your existing demo reel. Each track is treated exactly like a real booking. Fees are prorated for these service.

How much does a demo update cost to produce?

Please contact us below, and we will get back to you with information on our demo reel update rates.

VO Marketing & Branding

Like any sales related business, your demo reel is your calling card. It’s your product and service all wrapped into one. Let’s make sure it gets into the right hands, and ears!

Whether it’s to garner work or search out representation, it’s essential you have the necessary marketing tools by your side.

We offer private one-on-one marketing lessons geared to your specific goals in mind, from design work to website creation. We want to make sure your reel stands out from the competition.

Get In Touch

Contact Us

Are you seeking an elite voice-over coach or demo reel producer?
We would love to discuss how we can elevate your VO career!
Send us a message today, and we will get back to you right away.

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